
    Hello, welcome to my blog !

    My name is Louis ! cool

    I am eleven years old.

    I'm at Loquidy in 6eH.intelloeek

    My birthday is 11th dec


    My favorite films are "The Hobbit" and "Avengers".

    I love soccer.wink2



    I live in Nantes.


    I have got two sisters and one brother (his name is Guillaume) ; I haven't got a pet.beurk



    In my bedroom, there are a white bed, a comforter and blue pillow. no

    On the night stand, there is a black alarm clock.  yes sarcastic

    Over my desk, there is a rugby poster. oops 

    Next to the desk, there are white shelves; with lots of books.

    Through my window, I can see beautiful gardens.

    Often I see squirrels on the surrounding walls.moneysarcastic

    Under my desk, there is a white chair and a small bin.

    I like my bed because it's very comfortable ! sleep

    And you, do you have a poster over your desk ? bad















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